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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% THE MISFITS: FAMOUS MONSTERS (1999) %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Disclaimer: All basses and guitars tuned half-step down. All chords used are power chords (e.g., C# is -x-4-6-6-x-x-) unless otherwise indicated. These fan-authored transcriptions offer the basic chords and structure of the songs, and are not complete scores. Although some transcriptions may not have distinct parts for each instrument, all are written for both bass and guitar.] KONG AT THE GATES ================= transcription: Ryan Moldenhauer, David Beck, Nick, Nathan Laff, Misfits Central Notes: Lower case notes are single notes; note the 'c' note when the riff goes to the 'e' and 'f' notes. gong and crowd chant... drums and roars... A C B GF# A C bcbcbcbc (2x) A F E CB A F efefefec (2x) A C B GF# A C bcbcbcbc A F E CB A F efefefec A howl... (segues to "The Forbidden Zone") THE FORBIDDEN ZONE ================== transcription: Misfits Central Notes: Lower-case notes are single notes only. C C B A A G F F F# G C A F G (2x) F F# G G F# F g f# a g# D G A (3x) G A D D C# B B A G G G# A C A F G (2x) F F# G G F# F g f# a g# D G A (3x) G A D G A (3x) G A (2x) D D C# B B A G G G# A (2x) D LOST IN SPACE ============= transcription: Misfits Central Notes: Lower-case notes are single notes only. f e d c b a G A# F (3x) G f e d c b a G A# F (4x) G A# F (4x) D# A# G A# (3x) D# A# G A# F (4x) D# A# G A# (3x) D# A# E e g a a# a g (3x) E e g a a# D# A# G A# (3x) D# A# G D# A# G A# (3x) D# A# G A# F G (2x) A# F [break] G DUST TO DUST ============ transcription: Living Dead Boy, Nick Fiend, Brian O'Bot drums... B E G AGA (4x) B E G AGA (7x) B E G D G E (4x) B E G AGA (4x) B E G AGA (7x) B E G D G E (4x) B E G AGA (3x) B E G B C C# D D G E (4x) B E G AGA (3x) B E G CRAWLING EYE ============ transcription: David Beck, Misfits Central Notes: "G->A" is a hammer-on (bass) or slide (guitar) from G onto A. snare! G->A D# D G->A A# C G->A D# D A# C (2x) B G D A (3x) B G A B G A B G D B D G A (2x) D C# C A (2x) G->A D# D G->A A# C G->A D# D A# C (2x) B G D A (3x) B G A B G A B G D B D G A (2x) D C# C A (2x) G->A D# D G->A A# C G->A D# D A# C (4x) G w/feedback WITCH HUNT ========== transcription: Olson Patterson, Misfits Central D D# A# F guitar only D D# A# F band enters D D# A# F (4x) w/palm-mute D# A# D# F D D# A# F (2x) D D# A# F (4x) w/palm-mute D# A# D# F A# G A (3x) A# D D# A# F (4x) w/solo D# A# D# F A# G A (3x) A# SCREAM! ======= transcription: Misfits Central, Mordejai Notes: Lower-case notes are single notes only. "B-A-B" is a hammer-on riff between A and B; listen to the recording to get the timing down for this snazzy riff. C#/A = -5-4-6-6-x-x- f# c# d b f# c# d f# c# d b f# d c# B A G (2x) B C#/A D B A G snare! A B G D A B G D A B A G (2x) A B G D A B G D A B A G (2x) B C#/A D B A G A B G D A B-A-B G F# (2x) B A G (2x) B C#/A D B A G B-A-B G F# (2x) B SATURDAY NIGHT ============== transcription: Misfits Central solo tab: Olson Patterson, Nathan Laff Notes: The lower-case notes are transitional notes played by the guitar. B (leading chord) D B G A D B G A w/solo 1 D B G A (3x) G A D (2x) G A F# G G A D B G A D (2x) D B G A w/solo 2 E C# A B (2x) A B E (2x) A B G# A A B E C# A B E (2x) e d# C# c# b A B E e d# C# c# b A B E solo 1: (slide between all notes) Eb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Bb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Gb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Db|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Ab|-5--9--7--5--7--9--5--|---5--7--9--5--7--5--4--4--5--7--5-~~~~-| Eb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| solo 2: (slide between all notes) Eb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Bb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Gb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Db|----------------------|----------------------------------------| Ab|-5--9--7--5--7--9--5--|---5--7--9--5--7--5--4--4--5--7--7-~~~~-| Eb|----------------------|----------------------------------------| PUMPKIN HEAD ============ transcription: Nathan Laff, Olson Patterson, Misfits Central Notes: Lower-case notes are single notes played by a guitar. The "->" denotes a hammer-on or pull-off (bass) or slide up or down (guitar) between two notes. bass slide... G d g a a# a F D# c d# d c D (2x) hi-hat... D F#->G A#->A F#->G A#->A F#->G F#->G A#->A F#->G A#->A F#->G (2x) B->C D#->D B->C D#->D B->C A# A F#->G A#->A F#->G A#->A F#->G E B A E C# E B E B A A G F# E B A E C# E B E B A A G F# F#->G A#->A F#->G A#->A F#->G (2x) B->C D#->D B->C D#->D B->C A# A F#->G A#->A F#->G A#->A F#->G E B A C# B E B A A G F# E B A C# B E B A A G F# F#->G A#->A F#->G A# A (2x) E B A C# B E B A A G F# E B A C# B E B A A G F# F#->G A#->A F#->G A# A (4x) SCARECROW MAN ============= transcription: Scab, Tim Waters, Misfits Central solo tab: Jake Strange, Victor O. intro: Gb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Ab|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Eb|-0-----7p0-7p0---0-----7p0-7p0---|-0-----7p0-7p0---0---------------| verse riff: (or simile) Gb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Ab|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Eb|-0---3---0-0-3---0---3-0---0-3---|-0---3---0-0-3---6-----6-----6-6-| pre-chorus: Gb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Ab|-5-------3-------2---------------|-5-------3-------2-------3^------| Eb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| chorus: Gb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Ab|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Eb|-0---3---0---3---0-3-0-------3---|-0---3---0---3---7---5---3---2---| outro: Gb|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Ab|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| Eb|-0-----7p0-7p0---0-----7p0-7p0---|-0-----7p0-7p0---7---5---3---2---| -songflow- feedback and crow and "How about a little fire, Scarecrow?"... intro (guitar and bass only) intro (hi-hat enters) intro (2x) (band enters) verse (2x) verse (4x) pre-chorus chorus (2x) verse (4x) pre-chorus chorus (4x) F# G verse (2x) (repeat first measure twice) w/ solo pre-chorus w/solo chorus (2x) verse (4x) pre-chorus chorus (4x) outro (4x) E solo (Jake Strange): eb|---------------------------------------------------- Bb|------------------10-10-12-12-10-10----------------- Gb|--9-9-11-11-12-12-------------------12-12-11-11----- Db|---------------------------------------------------- Ab|---------------------------------------------------- Eb|---------------------------------------------------- eb|-----------------------------| Bb|-----------------------------| Gb|--12-12-11-11-12-12-11-9-----| Db|-----------------------------| Ab|-----------------------------| Eb|-----------------------------| eb|-----------------------------------------------22b-| Bb|--10--8---7-8-10-12-----15--13--12-----------------| Gb|---------------------------------------------------| Db|---------------------------------------------------| Ab|---------------------------------------------------| Eb|---------------------------------------------------| tap the last note w/ your right hand & bend it. solo (Victor O.): |---------------------------------------------- |---------10-12-10----------------------------- |-9-11-12----------12-11-12-11--12-11-9/\/\/\-- |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |10---8---7---8----10----12----15----13-----12----------------------------- |12^--10^-9^--10^--12^---14^---17^---15^----14^-------17/\/\/\------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIE MONSTER DIE =============== transcription: Ryan Moldenhauer, Nick Fiend, Misfits Central A C# F# D A slide E A C# F# D A slide E (2x) A B D (3x) A E A C# F# D A slide E (2x) A B D (3x) A E A D (3x) A E [break] A C# F# D A slide E (2x) A B D (3x) A E A B D (3x) A E A LIVING HELL =========== transcription: Misfits Central, Jake Strange Notes: Lower-case notes are single notes only. backtracked A chord fades in... A F G e (4x) A F G e (7x) A F G F A E F slide F A G A eca F G (3x) F E g A F G e (4x) A F G e (7x) A F G F A E F slide F A G A eca F G (3x) F E g A F G e (4x) A F A E F slide F A G A eca F G (3x) F E g A F G e (4x) A feedback... DESCENDING ANGEL ================ transcription: David Beck, Misfits Central Notes: During the solo section, the chords implied by the music have been transcribed; the keyboards and bass play melodies based on the transcribed chords. B D A B D A F# B D A (3x) B D A F# [break] B D A F# B D A F# [break] B D A F# B D A F# B D A (3x) B D A F# [break] B D A F# B D A F# [break] B D A F# B D A F# B D A D E F# w/ solo B D A D E F# w/ solo B D A F# B D A F# [break] B D A F# B D A F# B D A F# (4x) B w/ feedback and effects (segues into "Them") solo tab: Adam McGuire {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {1/8\1----10-11-----11-10-9-10---10h11p\8---8h9p/11\1-}------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------12p11p10 x3-----11~--10~~\-----------} {-4/12\4----12-14--11-12------------------------------------------------} {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------} {--8-7------x4}----6-5----x4}----4-3----x2}-------4--3h4p3--x2}----} {--------9----}--------7----}--------5----}-----5------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------} {----8-7-----8-7--------8/---------------} {-7-------8--------8-7-------------------} {----------------------------------------} solo tab: Michael Sanchez ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -\14----\17----17--19--19bp17-----------------------------\17~~--\19~~------- --------------------------------------21--19/17--17----\19------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----14-15--17-15-14---14-15*------------------------------------------------ -19----------------------------14--13--9---12--11--7---10--9--5---7--12--11-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 4x ) ( 4x ) ( 4x ) ( 2x ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -7--12--11---9--14--13--9--14--13--13\14--14---/----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- solo tab: Tim Waters B---------------------------------------------------------78(trill)\------ G-/4-6-7--6-7-6-4-7-7-6-4---6-4---6--4-6-7--6-7-9--6-7-9------------------ D---------------------------------7------7-------------------------------- D-9p8---9p8--9p8--9p8----7p6--7p6--7p6--7p6--- A-------9------9------9------9-------7------7-----7------7-- D-5p4--5p4-----5-4--5p4-----7-6--7p6--------------------- A-------5-----5-5-----5------5-7-----7------7-slide-9--- solo tab: Victor O. B D A G C F# |--------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------------------------5/7-5/9-----12-11-9-12-11-9- |5/9--11-12---12-11-9--12-11------5/9-11------------------------------ |--------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------ |------------------------------------ |12-11-9-12-11-9---11-11-11-11/\/\/\- |------------------------------------ |------------------------------------ |------------------------------------ B D A |--------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------- |5/9-8---9-8---9-8---9-8-------7-6---7-6---7-6---7-6------ |------9-----9-----9-----9---------7-----7-----7-----7---- |--------------------------------------------------------- G C F# |-------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------- |5-4---5-4-----7-6----7-6------9-8---9-8----- |----5-----5/7------7------7/9-----9-----9/0- |-------------------------------------------- THEM ==== transcription: Nathan Laff, Misfits Central riff (doubled by guitar): Gb|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| Db|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| Ab|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| Eb|-0-0-3-0-6-5-0-3-|-0-0-3-0-6-5-0-3-|-0-0-3-0-6-5-0-3-|-1---1---1-----1-| -songflow- giant ant sound effects... riff (2x) riff (2x) A D A D A D G A D A D A D B F# A G riff (2x) riff (2x) A D A D A D G A D A D A D B G A G E B A E D# E D# E B A B E B A E D# E D# E B A B F# A G riff (2x) riff (2x) E B A E D# E D# E B A B E B A E D# E D# E B A B E B A E D# E D# E B A B E B A E D# E D# E B A B F# A G riff (4x) giant ant sound effects... FIEND CLUB ========== transcription: Misfits Central main riff: Eb|---------------------------------| Bb|---------------------------------| Notes: This riff is played Gb|---------------------------------| with slight variations Db|-6-------------2-------------4---| throughout the song. Ab|-6-------------2-------------4---| Transcribed is the basic riff. Eb|-4---7-4-7-4-7-0---0-0-0-0-0-2---| -songflow- F# (leading single note) main riff (4x) main riff (4x) G# E (2x) E B D# E F# (3x) E C# main riff (2x) main riff (4x) G# E (2x) E B D# E F# (3x) E C# main riff (4x) w/solo E B D# E F# (3x) E C# B D# E F# (3x) E C# E C# B w/feedback HUNTING HUMANS ============== transcription: Living Dead Boy E F# (2x) B D# E (2x) B A# G# F# E F# B D# E (2x) B A# G# F# E F# E F# B E F# (4x) B F# B D# E (2x) B A# G# F# E F# E F# B E F# (4x) B E F# (2x) B HELENA ====== transcription: Ryan Moldenhauer, Nathan Laff, Nick, Misfits Central Notes: The European remix titled "Helena 2" contains the same music as the original mix, although the intro is mixed much lower. Lower-case notes are single notes only. riff: Eb|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| Bb|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| Gb|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| Db|-------------------------------|----------------1010--10--10-9-| Ab|----------------------------AH-|----------------1010--10--10-9-| Eb|-0---7---8--10---8---7---5-7-8-|-0---7---8--10---8-8---8---8-7-| INTRO: G# B F# G# B F# ef#g G# B F# ef#g (2x) G# B F# ef#g (4x) G# B F# ef#g (2x) G# B F# ef#g (4x) G# B F# ef#g (3x) G# B F# MAIN: hi-hat... E F D E C D B C A B G A (2x) riff (2x) E D E D E G F E D D C D (2x) riff (2x) E D E D E G F E D D C D (2x) E F D E C D B C A B G A (4x) B A B C G A B g f# g e F# w/ feedback OUTRO: hi-hat... G# B F# G# B F# ef#g G# B F# ef#g (4x) G# B F# ef#g (4x) G# B F# ef#g (3x) G# B F# w/ feedback G# KONG UNLEASHED ============== transcription: Ryan Moldenhauer, David Beck, Nick, Nathan Laff, Misfits Central Notes: Lower case notes are single notes; note the 'c' note when the riff goes to the 'e' and 'f' notes. drums and roars... A F E CB A F efefefec A roars... DEVIL DOLL [Japanese and European release only] ========== transcription: Victor O. solo tab: Victor O. Notes: Lower case notes (eg. a b d ...) single notes only, not chords. Intro: E F# G E F# G F# F E E F# G E F# G F# F (DRUMS...) E D E D C D C A# C D C D E D E D C D C A# C c d c b VERSE:(X2) E D E E D E G F E D E CHORUS:(X2) A G F# G A A# A G A SOLO: |----------------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------------------------7-------10-7-9/\/\/\/\-- |-------------7-------7-9---7-9-10---9-10------10----------------- |7--9-10-9-10------10--------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------- |12--12--12--12----10--10--10--10-----8---8---8---8------10--10--10--10---- |15^-15^-15^-15^---13^-13^-13^-13^---11^-11^-11^-11^-----13^-13^-13^-13^--- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |12--12--12--12----10--10--10--10-----8---8---8---8------12/\/\/\/----- |15^-15^-15^-15^---13^-13^-13^-13^---11^-11^-11^-11^----------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTRO: E D C# D E F E D E (X2) E D E D C D C A# C D C D E D E D C D C A# C c d c b B C B B C B C B A G E E F# G --songflow-- INTRO VERSE CHORUS VERSE CHORUS VERSE SOLO VERSE CHORUS OUTRO 1,000,000 YEARS BC [European release only] ================== transcription: Misfits Central intro: "1-2-3-4" w/drumsticks D A (4x) D verse: D A B G A (2x) pre-chorus: D B (2x) G A (2x) chorus: D B G A verse: D A B G A (2x) pre-chorus: D B (2x) G A (2x) chorus: D B G A break: D DC#B BAG A D A [break] chorus: D B G A (3x) D studio chatter... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "1,000,000 Years BC," "Crawling Eye," "Devil Doll," "Kong At The Gates," "Kong Unleashed," "Scarecrow Man," and "Them" by The Misfits, copyright Cyclopian Music, Inc. "Descending Angel," "Hunting Humans," and "Living Hell" by Daniel Rey / The Misfits, copyright Cyclopian Music, Inc. / Rabinowitz Music. "Die Monster Die" by The Misfits, copyright RLHM Publishing Co. / Vile Of Venom. "Dust To Dust" written by Daniel Rey / The Misfits, copyright Cyclopian Music, Inc. / Vile Of Venom / Rabinowitz Music. "Fiend Club," "Saturday Night," and "Witch Hunt" by The Misfits, copyright Vile Of Venom. "Helena," "Pumpkin Head," "Scream!," and "The Forbidden Zone" by The Misfits, copyright Cyclopian Music, Inc. / Vile Of Venom. "Lost In Space" by The Misfits, copyright RLHM Publishing Co. Transcriptions by: David Beck [] Nick Fiend [] Nathan Laff [] Living Dead Boy [] Adam McGuire [] Ryan Moldenhauer [] Mordejai [] Victor O. [] Brian O'Bot [] Olson Patterson [] Michael Sanchez [] Scab [] Jake Strange [] Send comments/suggestions/corrections to []. The latest version of this file is located at: Misfits Central - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%