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Unknown San Francisco Newspaper, 7/90

Danzig II: Lucifuge
(Def American)
By Eric Weisbard

   As the leader of punk faves the Misfits, Glenn Danzig made records on his 
own label, in cheaply produced, limited editions. Even so, it was clear that 
Danzig had star power that far transcended the underground scene. Now on 
rap/metal godfather Rick Rubin's label, Danzig (fronting a group that goes 
by his name) has found the exposure only corporate sponsorship can bring a 
rock act. The first Danzig album got a bit tedious at times, but Lucifuge is 
killer stuff. It's going to sweep through teenage America like brushfire.
   This means that the arts are about to endure yet another controversy. Glenn 
Danzig is a star because his voice (a baritone throb recalling Elvis Presley 
and Jim Morrison) is heartshaking. But all parents will hear on Lucifuge is 
-Satan, Satan, SATAN! The CD booklet folds out into an upside-down cross, and 
song titles include "Long Way Back From Hell" and "Devil's PLaything." Glenn 
Danzig has chosen to assume the persona of pure evil, and what it makes it 
worse for Mom and Dad, he's found just the right note between sincerity and 
irony to make it compelling.
   Danzig and his supporters justify this album as a warning against the power 
of evil, and there is evidence in the lyrics to support that interpretation. 
But even on Danzig's terms, the ideas of good and evil expressed here are 
pretty dubious, especially where women (temptresses, one and all) are 
concerned. I've just got to hope that the young 'uns will see this album for 
what it is: a pure pop fantasy from a fellow who overdosed on movies like The 
Omen and rockers like the Stones and Alice Cooper and then took it one step 
   Those, like me, who love this album will do so because its power thrills 
us. The music is hook-laden enough to get heavy without ever bogging down the 
splendid singing. But there's more: the spectacle of a man who, on the darker 
edges of the often banal culture that surrounds him, has found a force and 
meaning that he believes could consume himalive. Danzig's white male 
apocalypse, like the music of 2 Live Crew's work is mortly lame; Danzig 
deserves to be appreciated. How many, I wonder, will grasp the difference?

>Danzig plays Sat. July 28, at the Warfield in S.F. Soundgarden and Corrosion 
 of Conformity open the show.