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Lyrics and Tablature

The Misfits
all songs lyrics ~ tab
live cover songs lyrics
The Misfits Box Set lyrics
all songs lyrics ~ tab
Danzig lyrics ~ tab
II - Lucifuge lyrics ~ tab
III How The Gods Kill lyrics ~ tab
Thrall lyrics ~ tab
Danzig 4p lyrics ~ tab
5 Blackacidevil lyrics ~ tab
6:66 Satans Child lyrics ~ tab
777: I Luciferi lyrics ~ tab
Circle Of Snakes lyrics ~ tab
The Lost Tracks Of Danzig lyrics ~ tab
Deth Red Sabaoth lyrics ~ tab
non-album songs lyrics ~ tab
Glenn Danzig
all songs lyrics ~ tab
The Misfits
American Psycho lyrics ~ tab
Famous Monsters lyrics ~ tab
Cuts From The Crypt lyrics ~ tab
Project 1950 lyrics ~ tab
other recordings lyrics ~ tab
The Undead
all songs lyrics ~ tab
Related Recordings
Active Ingredients lyrics
Antidote lyrics
Continental Crawler lyrics
Graves lyrics ~ tab
Kryst The Conqueror lyrics ~ tab
Minor Threat lyrics ~ tab
Mourning Noise lyrics ~ tab
Rosemary's Babies lyrics ~ tab
Son Of Sam lyrics ~ tab
The Victims lyrics ~ tab
Eerie Von lyrics ~ tab


All songs contained herein are copyright their respective owners, as listed in each file. Although the songs are copyright their respective owners, these files and their layout belong to Misfits Central. If you use these files on your own site, please do not remove the copyright information or modify the files in any way.

The majority of the lyrics available here were copied from lyric sheets included with the albums. In some cases (such as The Misfits Box Set) these lyric sheets contained incorrect lyrics. When official lyrics were unavailable, fans (most notably, subscribers to The Misfits Bible) contributed lyrics they believe to be correct.

The fan-authored tab at this site is not definitive and should be used only as a reference. Although it is written with bass and guitar players in mind, the chords can be easily translated onto any instrument. All chords contained in the tab are assumed to be power chords (root-fifth-octave) unless otherwise noted.

Please note these files are plain ASCII text (.txt) files. Use any text editor (vi, TextEdit, Notepad) to view them in a fixed-width font such as Courier New or Monaco. This ensures that the tab is evenly spaced and easily readable.

Tab Symbols

Symbols in this Notation Key are commonly used in ASCII tab to describe the nuances in performing a given piece of music.

                v,~  = vibrato, tremolo, etc.                      
                b,^  = bend string up to specified fret or interval
              pm, PM = palm mute                                   
   *, ah, ph, AH, PH = artificial/pinch harmonic                   
                  /  = slide up                                    
                  \  = slide down                                  
               h, H  = hammer-on                                   
               p, P  = pull-off                                    
                 (7) = ghost note held over from previous measure  
                 (x) = played fast                                 
      --/\/\/\/\/\-- = pick scratch                                


Notes and chords can be easily located on these ASCII representations of bass and guitar fretboards. This is not TAB! The lines represent the strings of the instrument; the lowest line represents the low E string. The nut is the double vertical line at the far left, with the twelfth fret on the right. (Left-handed players will have to reverse these figures). The "blank" frets can be either a sharp or a flat; e.g., the note at the second fret of the E string may be named F# or Gb.

   fret:  1               3             5           7          9           12

   fret:  1               3             5           7          9           12


This table contains the tunings used in this archive. The numbers represent the strings, with 4 (for bass) or 6 (for guitar) being the lowest (i.e., thickest) string.

                    bass              guitar      
                 4  3  2  1      6  5  4  3  2  1 
      standard:  E  A  D  G      E  A  D  G  B  E 
half-step down:  Eb Ab Db Gb     Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
two steps down:  C  F  Bb Eb     C  F  Bb Eb G  C 
     dropped D:  D  A  D  G      D  A  D  G  B  E 
dropped D,                                        
half step down:  Db Ab Db Gb     Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

Although the tunings change, chords are still located where they would be in standard tuning. For example, playing an "A" when tuned two steps down is still played at the fifth fret of the lowest string (as indicated by the fretboard above), although it will now sound like an "F" chord, not an "A". Locating chords this way is common practice in guitar magazines, and is less confusing when locating simple chords in different tunings.


On-Line Guitar Archive
Harmony Central
The Misfits Songbook

Special Thanks

Jeff Chambers, John Christ, Franché Coma, Pete "Damien" Marshall, Jerry Only, Bobby Steele, Eerie Von, Steve Zing, and all the people who contributed through e-mail, the Misfits Bible, or the forum.