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HOLLYWOOD BOOK & POSTER, 11/87 ------------------------------ Glenn Danzig & Eerie Von were interviewed by Eric and Joe "Crackers" at a wrestling convention in New York - November 1987 Eric: Let's start at the beginning. What's some of the bands you in before The Misfits? Glenn: Just half cover half original bands that I was in when I was a kid like Talus, stuff like that. There's a band using that name now. A bunch of other bands like that. Half cover, half original. The first band I was in was half Black Sabbath covers, half originals which sounded like Sabbath anyway. Eric: Where did you play? Glenn: Parties and dances. That was just when I was a kid. I got into a lot of other stuff and eventually formed The Misfits. Eric: How long were The Misfits together? Glenn: About 7 or 8 years. Then Samhain with Eerie for 3 years, now it's called Danzig. Me and Eerie and Chuck Biscuits on drums. We got a guy...John from Baltimore. An incredible guitar player. Eric: And you just recorded a new album? Glenn: Yeah and we just signed with DEF JAM. Eerie: DEF JAM CBS. Eric: Let's go on to some of your wrestling interests. Glenn: You want to know my top five? Eric: Yeah. Eerie: Macho Man! Glenn: 1. Randy "Macho Man" Savage, 2. King Kong Bundy, 3. Tiger Mask, 4. Road Warriors, 5. Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Eric: Have you ever meet any of these wrestlers? Glenn: Bundy came to one of our shows. He's pretty cool. Eric: Is he a big fan? Eerie: He's the biggest fan I've ever seen. Eric: Was he dancing around? Did he start slamming? Glenn: He was standing by the side of the stage going' like this. Going crazy, he was cool. We went back to the hotel with him and shit.... Eric: Tell us about the record cover. Glenn: The cover might be done by a japanese artist Go Nagai, who created Devilman and Mazinger Z and hopefully on the inside we'll be posing with a bunch of X-rated stars. Eerie: Like in some precarious positions. Eric: Are you gonna do some videos with them? Eerie: We might have them do cameos in our videos. Maybe put out the Samhain porno videos. Glenn: We're working on a bunch. DEF JAM's really cool, like if we wanna Croenberg we can get it. Eric: Like Romero or somebody...? Glenn: Romero?!? Forget him. I can do better in my sleep. Croenberg sounds good. Give it a good twist, something different that other people wouldn't do. Eric: How about doing film scores? Glenn: Thinking about some stuff and maybe some movies and stuff like that. Eric: Like maybe having the record company finance a full length film ...? Glenn: Oh I could do it now. Also we're getting some offers for movie roles, but nothing really great so I'm just turning down stuff. We don't wanna look stupid. Eric: So that does it for me and I'm gonna turn it over to Crackers. Is there anything I left out? Eerie: Yeah, you store's a great store. I can't wait to go back. Glenn; That's the one thing I like about L.A. is going to your shop. Eric: You guys are too kind. Glenn: Yeah you're right. We are too kind, GET HIM EERIE! Joe "Crackers" Hudson takes over at this point. Glenn: (tape picks up in mid-sentence) I mean I don't know about any other bands except Metallica and Celtic Frost. They're the only ones that I know of that say they really like The Misfits. The other ones I don't know about. I see all these bands that wear out shirts, but I don't know what the deal is. Let's talk more about wrestling. Joe: Sullivan, satanism.... Glenn: Yeah, Kevin Sullivan's great. Macho Man is fantastic. Old Blassie stuff. I really like old Blassie pictures where he's bitin' peoples heads open. So cool. I really wanna get a picture of him like spittin' a chunk of somebody out. I also like The Blue Demon. It's too bad there's not a better source for mexican wrestling memorabilia. All the different characters. You guys have all that stuff. Luche Libra. Joe: So who are some of your favorite smut actresses? Glenn: Oh Seka for sure. Old Marilyn Chambers stuff. Joe: How about Traci Lords? Glenn: Traci Lords looks better now that she used to. Ginger and Amber Lynn. Ginger Lynn...anal scenes....What was it that you were saying the other day? Eerie: We need a good anal scene, let's call Ginger Lynn! That's so funny because it's true, man. You'll be watchin' a picture and it's kind of.... ehhhh! Then all of a sudden, special guest star Ginger Lynn and you know there's gonna be some serious butt fuckin'. The End