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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% DANZIG 5 BLACKACIDEVIL (1996 & 2000) %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Disclaimer: All basses and guitars tuned as noted. All chords used are power chords (e.g., C# is -x-4-6-6-x-x-) unless otherwise indicated. These fan-authored transcriptions offer the basic chords and structure of the songs, and are not complete scores. Although some transcriptions may not have distinct parts for each instrument, all are written for both bass and guitar.] 7TH HOUSE - half-step down ========= transcription: Misfits Central drums and effects... F# C# C (4x) F# C# C (8x) F# C# C (4x) F# F# C# C (8x) F# F# C# C (4x) F# C# C (4x) F# C# C (8x) F# C# C (7x) F# A w/noise BLACKACIDEVIL - half-step down ============= transcription: Misfits Central Throughout song: Left Channel: Low E +/- approx. quarter step bend/dip with sporadic G notes Right Channel: Noise solo SEE ALL YOU WERE - half-step down ================ transcription: Misfits Central [nc]: no chord E: -0-2-2-x-x-x- C#: -4-4-6-6-x-x- e: -0-7-9-x-x-x- Notes: The 'e' chord is played with the fretted notes are bent up slightly. A distorted bass or pitch-shifted guitar doubles the chord. -songflow- drums and effects... C# e (2x) [nc] e (4x) C# e (4x) [nc] e (4x) F# A E C# e (2x) w/C# pedal tone [nc] e (4x) F# A E C# e (2x) w/C# pedal tone C# e (4x) w/solo F# A E C# e (4x) w/C# pedal tone C# [nc] e (4x) C# e (4x) C# drums and effects... SACRIFICE - half-step down ========= transcription: Misfits Central Notes: The "C# E" sequence is quite effective when played as single notes at the 11th and 14th frets of the D string, respectively. C# E (12x) B slide C# (4x) E F# [8x] B slide C# (4x) E F# [4x] w/solo C# E (12x) B slide C# (4x) E F# [8x] B slide C# (4x) E F# [10x] w/solo C# E (8x) w/fade on ninth repeat HINT OF HER BLOOD - half-step down ================= transcription: Misfits Central Notes: Various filters and effects are used on the basses on guitars. Each instrument plays the riff with different accents and "feel" throughout the song. riff: Gb|-----------------|-----------------| Db|-----------------|-----------------| Ab|-----------------|-----------------| Eb|-2-------5---7---|-2-----9---8---7-| -songflow- riff (4x) intro riff (12x) verse riff (4x) chorus riff (4x) bridge riff (5x) verse (drums enter at end of 5th repeat) riff (4x) chorus riff (5x) verse riff (8x) chorus riff (2x) outro w/solo riff fades into the next track... DEEPER - half-step down [2000 E-magine re-release only] ====== transcription: Misfits Central Notes: A remix of the track that originally appeared on SONGS IN THE KEY OF X ('The X-Files' soundtrack), the basic tracks are unchanged, with new, additional drum and guitar tracks. main riff: fill: Gb|---------------------------| |---------------------------| Db|*-------------------------*| |---------------------------| Ab|*-------------------------*| |---------------------------| Eb|--0--7--6^-0--5--3--0--1^--| |--0--7--6^-0--5--0--3~~ ---| -songflow- riff (2x) intro riff (8x) verse riff (4x) chorus (w/guitar) riff (8x) verse (w/guitar's low E ringing for three repeats) riff (4x) chorus (w/guitar) riff (4x) chorus (w/guitar; substitute fill on second repeat) riff (8x) w/bass solo riff w/feedback E w/feedback SERPENTIA - half-step down ========= transcription: Misfits Central "D C D": Gb|---------------------------------| Db|-7-----7-7-5---5/7---------------| This is a distorted bass Ab|-5-----5-5-3---3/5---------------| doubled by a guitar. Eb|---------------------------------| Notes: Transcribed is the pre-chorus riff, although it is also the same rhythm as the verses. The verse riff is very low in the mix, using just the root notes; it is accompanied by sampled moans. The verse riff is indicated by the lower-case notes. -songflow- hi-hat... d c d (4x) d c d (8x) d c d (2x) D C D (4x) B Bb A Ab (8x) d c d (2x) d c d (4x) D C D (4x) B Bb A Ab (16x) d c d (11x) d w/noise COME TO SILVER - half-step down ============== transcription: Robert Flemming, Misfits Central E: -0-2-2-1-0-0- B: -x-2-4-4-4-x- A: -x-0-2-2-2-0- F#: -2-4-4-2-2-2- -songflow- E B A E E A F# E (2x) E w/solo E B A E E A F# E (2x) E w/solo E B A E E A F# E (2x) E w/solo E B A E E A F# E (2x) E w/solo and fade... HAND OF DOOM: VERSION - half-step down ===================== transcription: Misfits Central main riff: Gb|-------------------------------| Db|-------------------------------| Ab|-5-5h7-7-7---7---7-7-----------| Eb|---------------------5---6---7-| Notes: The first time the riff is played, the bass leaves off the first D note of the riff. During the intro and verses, there is an acoustic guitar playing the riff. The riff is a variation of the original Black Sabbath riff found on PARANOID. Jerry Cantrell plays various fills and solos throughout. -songflow- riff (4x) intro riff (8x) verse riff (4x) chorus riff (2x) riff (4x) verse riff (8x) chorus w/solo riff (2x) bass only w/noise BLEEDANGEL [2000 E-magine re-release only] ========== (untranscribed) POWER OF DARKNESS - standard ================= transcription: D.EVIL Notes: During the verses, there is an added natural harmonic (fifth string, 10th fret) for rhythmic effect. E A B (4x) E A B (8x) w/solo E A B (8x) E (8x) E A B (4x) E (8x) E A B (8x) E (4x) w/solo E (4x) E A B (4x) E A B (4x) w/solo E w/solo and feedback ASHES - standard ===== transcription: Misfits Central drums and effects... A D C B (4x) A D C B (8x) A D C B (4x) A D C B (4x) w/solo A D C B (4x) A D C B (4x) A D C B (4x) w/solo A D C B (4x) A D C B (4x) A D C B (11x) w/solo A drums and effects... DON'T BE AFRAID - standard [2000 E-magine re-release only] =============== transcription: Misfits Central Notes: The instruments are treated with a number of effects. The section designated "noise" represents the number of measures played without any distinct riffs. Towards the end of the song, there is a drum (tuned to D) on beats two and four; this is shown in Riff 2. riff 1: riff 2: G|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-----------------| D|-----0-------0---| <-- tuned drum A|-----3-----3-5---| A|-----3-----3-5---| E|-5-------5-------| E|-5-------5-------| -songflow- riff 1 (40x) noise (12x) riff 1 (20x) riff 2 (27x) fade out... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All songs written by Glenn Danzig except: "Hand of Doom" originally by Terence Butler / Frank Anthony Iommi / John Osbourne / William Ward. All songs copyright 1996 Evilive Music except: "Hand Of Doom" copyright Westminster Music. Transcriptions by: D.EVIL [] Robert Flemming [] Send comments/suggestions/corrections to []. The latest version of this file is located at: Misfits Central - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%