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THE VIBE, 10/94 --------------- EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH GLENN DANZIG by Andreas Veneris, October 1994 _________________________________________________________________ ---- 'First. This is not a rock record. It does not sound like anything I have done previously. Some people won't get it. That's ok. I'm used to that. But for those who will understand and appreciate the true power and majesty contained within, may this take you to someplace you have never been. But have always longed to be' Glenn Danzig 4/92 (from 'Black Aria' inner notes album) I first met Glenn in September 1990. It was a Slayer 'Seasons in the Abyss' pre-release Def American party but the main guests were in NY for an in-store. At these events, people (i.e. journalists, label representatives and groupies that ... find their way there) prefer to enjoy the food and say that the album is good. The album was indeed good. Suddenly, the fuss of 80+ people eating, chating, dating, and gossiping stopped. I really wondered what happened, 'it is Glenn Danzig who entered the hall' they told me. The presense of a really short, but physically impressive man, brought an uncomfortable and unpredicatle pause to the small-talk party conversations. He kindly greeted some people, smiled to all of them the same way, and soon after left the same way he came. The party went on. Hollywood is a strange place. No bar is open after 2 in the morning, a reason why it's full of after-2am parties. It was Halloween '92, I remember, and I was invited to a dozen of them. I was faced with a dilemma, should I ditch my tickets to the Danzig show in Irvine Meadows, a close to two hours drive south of LA? Who would go to a show that far away on a beautiful Halloween night? Now, two years later, I consider myself lucky to have been blessed with such hindsight. Not only was the 12,000+ open-air amphitheatre sold out, not only the crowd there went nuts, but it was one of the best shows the band ever performed transforming that night to a real... hell-oween event! Andreas Veneris: won't be published in any British magazine. Why such an antipathy for English publications? Glenn Danzig: They're scum...ha-ha (slowly, with an ironic tone in his laughter). AV: Hmmm....well, I sometimes think that English people hate the fact they once ruled the world and also gave it so many great bands, two things they no longer do. GD:... AV: Well...sometimes they go even further, trying to slander what other people are doing, but this does not mean progression from their side... GD: Yes, exactly, that's why. AV: You get my word on that, although Metaverse is worldwide and I cannot do anything about that! Anyways, I've heard you're out for a new drummer, is that right? GD: That's correct. AV: What hapenned to Chuck Biscuits, who was an original member of the band? GD: He left us in the middle of the tour with Metallica. Then he wanted to come back, he asked for more money, and he wouldn't sign anything saying he wouldn't do drugs while being in the band, so... AV: That's part of the price you pay when you have a commercial breakthrough like the one last year with the 'Mother' video. GD: I very much think so. AV: Do you think that your life has changed a lot since last year's success of 'Mother' (first Danzig cut which received huge MTV-play ever!). GD: Drummers are always kind of a problem, to begin with. Samhain had two different drummers, Misfits had six different drummers...I don't know what it is this thing with drummers. That's what have changed, and me, Eerie (Von, bass) and John (Christ, guitars) are a little bit more closer all because of that Chuck thing AV: You have your fourth album coming out very soon, any personal favourites? GD: "Can't Speak", "Going Down to Die", "Bringer of Death", I like the stuff in there... AV: What's this track whose title does not appear in the track listing? The very last one, the Psalm with the Church organ (which by the way is numbered as track '66' on the CD!), that's what I'm speaking about. GD: It's a hidden track, that's what it is. Danzig has been repeatedly accused being a Satanist. Much of his lyrical context or infernal musical appearence has been the cause that his video clips refused airplay. I guess a hidden track will provide enough space for new rumours. AV: Do you have any title for it? GD: Yes, I call it 'Invocation' AV: You also had a classical album released in late 1992, 'Black Aria', do you listen to a lot of classical music, and which composer in particular? GD: I like the heavier classical stuff. My favorite composer is Wagner, I listen to a lot of Wagner, but that's about it, I really don't listen to the 'lighter' classical stuff. Commercial success is a two edge sword. History is full of examples of promising bands having a hit and radically change their attitude, music, and appearance. Sometimes it works, most of the times they disappear. The success of 'Mother', a song borrowed from his debut release in 1988 recorded live in Irvine Meadows, Halloween'92, gave Danzig a place in the cover of magazines as Rolling Stone and Musician. It would be nice to see how much all that have really influenced and directed the band at the dawn of 1994. AV: Congratulations on the new album. My impression is that 'Danzig 4' would sound the way it does regardless the commercial success of 'Mother' a year ago. GD: This is a nice observation. The album was written before the success of 'Mother'. The video didn't take big gear until Xmas 93 and by that time we started recording the new album. All stuff was already written before that, and the release was delayed because of the Metallica tour this summer. The commercial success didn't have any impact on the music of the album. Misfits, the first band Glenn gave his voice to (late 70s), is a long gone hardcore legend. Soon after they seized to exist Glenn formed Samhain. The early hardcore performances vanished in melodic, mourning and gothic heavy rhythms, accompanied with seductive vocals and psychologically intruding lyrics. The name was changed to Danzig when Rick Rubin, owner of Def American (now just American) Recordings, saw them live in New York and invited Glenn to join his label. "It was me and Eerie that started Samhain. We tried out many people before ending up with John and Chuck", he explained to me. Rubin also proposed the change of name to Danzig. The owner of Def American was very enthusiastic about the man called Glenn Danzig, music or personality, whatever was hidden behind that name. Since then, Rubin co-produced most of his work, including 'Danzig 4', their fourth studio full-length release. AV: Did you have any vision when you started Samhain (which became Danzig)? GD: Yes, I wanted to become more real, I wanted to depend a little more on musicianship. AV: Hardcore does not give you this opportunity? GD: Well, it depends on who you play with, but I wanted more than that. AV: At a first sight, lyrics seem away from reality. They trully have a stong metaphorical essence. How much does this support what you said before? GD: They do represent reality, but they must be interpented, and everybody can give them the interpentation he thinks. People have to think, that's what I want to be the effect of my music on music. AV: Is this dark, melancholic mood what represents you better? GD: Yes, it definitely does. AV: It has also been the reason you been labelled a 'Satanist', I guess... GD: ?! Yes....ha-ha (spontaneous, ironic) AV: Why are you laughing? GG: Because it's funny, because that's what MTV says to not playing my new video (from his new album, 'Until you call on the dark'). AV: Really? I don't watch MTV, I stopped watching MTV a while ago, I prefer to learn about new music from magazines I've chosen, press releases and ... listening! GD: Good for you.... 'What you see is what you get'. Glenn is not pretending to be something he is not. His character is dark, austere, seld-indulgant, and indeed imposing. He doesn't try to impress, he doesn't care less. He can be friendly if he believes you don't want to waste his time. He will treat you like a jerk if he thinks you treat yourself this way. I believe he has been mis-understood on many of the above. He is renowned for being a person who is hard to get along with. Back to the subject though... AV: Still I haven't got an answer, are you a Satanist? GD: Ahhhh..... AV: We can always define what Satanist might mean, if this will help answering the question. GD: Yes! What is a Satanist?...I would just say probably to some people because you like to rock the boat and when people say to you to do this I would say ...'no' (with a very sharp and real way). Maybe in that aspect, yeah. You know, the rebelliousness, the other stuff ...But if there were some Satanists, they would say I'm not a Satanist, so it really matters what definition you're giving to the term... AV: Are you religious? GD: Yes, I kind of have my own religion, my own beliefs, I don't know what it is, if there's a name for that. AV: How are interviews different, how are people around you different? I speak about the recently exposed ones. GD: Usually I don't talk to them ... ha-ha (once again this uncommon laughing)! AV: Have you been in 'strange' situations like that? GD: Yeah, but I decline to do interviews I think will go nowhere. In America I decline to speak to Circus, Spin and a few other magazines. I don't know what sense would it make speaing to them. AV: What do you expect from an interview? GD: I expect the journalist to know what the fuck he's talking about, and ... you know, to do a good interview. To make people read something new about me; the songs, the band, something you didn't read from somewhere else. Speaking on other publications, Glenn Danzig's voice and overall appearence has been strongly parallelized to that of Jim Morrison's. Every aspect of it: lyrically, musically and overall appearence. Songs as 'Godless', 'Sistinas' (Danzig 3), and 'Blood and Tears'(Danzig 2,'Lucifuge') may provide a strong basis for the second case above. AV: Many like to compare you with Jim Morrison. GD: Ha-ha-ha...I hear this all the time. What can I say? My name is Glenn Danzig and that's who I am. If you like it fine, if you don't ... it's once again fine with me. AV: What has been the importance of American Recording owner, Rick Rubin? How much has he influenced or/and directed your career ? GD: It has been more like a collaboration in a long way, I would say. Mostly in a business level. The label has to put out the records, but it is us that we go out on the road and play. We have support our albums, because we don't get any airplay or any MTV play really....Now we get airplay, but we still don't get MTV play... AV: It's funny how MTV can still change people's mind! GD: Yes, it is. AV: At the same time it's frightening because music is meant to be rebelious and to represent the individual, not something brainwashed on him... GD: That's what's supposed to be. This is the reason we have been on the road all that time. For the past six or seven years we've been doing it, going out and playing and creating a strong fan base. Those people liked us because they saw us. Then they call the radio stations and request (I remember that all Danzig material played on radio in early 90s was by request). Unfortunately we don't play that kissy...ass happy pop music, we do write love songs, but it all depends what your perception of love is, you know. AV: Do you think the extremicity of the lyrics is a reason you don't get any MTV play? GD: Extremicity of the lyrics? What is that extreme with 'How the Gods Kill'? What is so extreme with 'Dirty Black Summer', the second video of the previous album they refused to play? What's so extreme with 'Until you Call on the Dark' (the video of the new album, ed) or 'Can't Speak' (the next video of 'Danzig 4', ed). AV: Has your survival been that difficult? GD: Yes, it's been, and is still an on-going process. While speaking with Glenn, one thing that really found me not prepared to speak, is the fact that some of his stuff have political extensions. We didn't speak about any song in particular "...there're some political songs in my albums, but I don't want to be too much political. My approach to politics is from a more sociological point of view, what effects has on people. Other than that politics is a fucked up situation. Goverments are having wars, and then stop the wars without eliminating the other guy because they still want to do business with him". On the way, discussion came back to the music, and specifically the new album. AV: I think the music of the new album is much more atmospheric than any of your previous works. GD: More atmosperic yes, I agree with that. That's a direction I wanted to have. AV: It keeps this doomy, mystic, mourning and dark armosphere. Is this a representation of yourself? GD: Ha-ha-ha...yes, in a sense it's pretty much alike! AV: So how would you describe a regular Glenn Danzig day? I know that you don't hang out in LA much. GD: No, I don't. It's difficult to describe it (he laughs while his voice becomes more thinkful), I'm not that much depressed as they would probably think, I'm very much in the martial arts, that takes a lot of time, body building, reading literature,... I would say that my day is pretty full. AV: I guess with a new album out, your day should be pretty full with the band! What are current plans like? GD: We will have a new tour by November. We will start with a big show on Halloween in Irvine Meadows (that's where the "Thrall-Demonsweatlive" recording came two years ago including the live version of 'Mother'). AV: What about the remaining of the tour? GD: It will start by ealy November. It will be Type-O-Negative in the middle, with Godflesh opening. For people not familiar with the above bands, Type-O-Negative is another gothic-moody-heavy band, leaded by Pete Stele. Type-O-Negative's latest album ("Bloody Kisses", 1993, RoadRunner) received rave reviews and was characterized as a more industrial-heavy version of Danzig's work! Godflesh are a heavy, old 'n respected, industrial-metal band. AV: This is a pretty heavy line up! GD: Yes, it is. That's what we wanted to give to people, give them heavy, slow, and moody stuff. Not fake stuff. That's what they would come for, and they know they will enjoy it. I guarantee you it's going to be one of the heaviest tours ever from three bands who know what they're doing and what they do represent. Got me! When do you play Chicago?! -Andreas Veneris ______________________________________________________________________