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-To see "Dig Up Her Bones" again:

E-mail address that may be of interest to fiends: MTVs Top 10 countdown
is allegedly determined strictly by viewer requests.   The e-mail
address is

-The cartoon:

The Misfits animated series is a project that is in development with
Non-Homogenized Productions Ltd.  John, who is also an animator, took an
interest in Doug Evil's caricatures,  and taught Doug the basics of
animation.  This technique enabled him to create artwork that could be
utilized in a simple, yet effective loopable sequence.  John conveyed
the type of scenes and action he would like to take place in the
animation to Doug, who in turn would create the drawings.  After Doug
completed the artwork, John decided how to make the most action out of
the few drawings created for each simple scene or sequence.

After shooting and animating the art, John had live action backgrounds
such as clouds, smoke etc. composited into the animated footage.  The
live action footage was tinted in colors that John felt would add to the
surrealistic feel of the piece.  John has a treatment which develops the
personality of the series and characters such as the pumpkins John has
adapted to Punkins'(for obvious reasons).

John assures that the series is not kiddie oriented and not for Saturday
morning.  He is a big fan of sick & twisted cartoons like "Lupo the
Butcher" and intends to keep it in that vein.  He has titled the series
"MISFITS RE-ANIMATED".   It will of course be VERY driven by the music
of the MISFITS.

The trailer is merely the breaking ground for the series and is in no
way a completely developed representation of what the series itself will
have to offer.

The soundtrack for the trailer is an early instrumental version of "Mars
Attacks".  This version was recorded in May of 1996 after the Misfits
European tour.  Currently unreleased, it is possible this version of the
track may surface on a future release from the Misfits.

A sneak preview of the series trailer was recently aired on MTV's 120

-The Bride of Frankenstein Intro Version:

The Bride of Frankenstein intro to the Bones video was not aired on
MTV as Geffen records is not interested in soliciting the video with the
intro.  Only Non-Homogenized Prod. Ltd. and the Misfits have been
distributing the intro version.  Although, Non-Homogenzied did supply
the intro version to MTV we are unfortunately vetoed by any Geffen
corporate decisions.  If you have a copy of the Intro version its rare.

-Bones video: different version or mix of the song? - We had a couple of
people asking about this: (to tell you the truth we are very impressed
by those who noticed!)

It isnt a different version or mix, its remastered.   When John
received a DAT(Digital Audio Tape) of the song Bones he noticed that
the overall levels were blown out and distorted.  He figured it must
have been a hot or bad dub to DAT so he explained this to  Geffen and
requested another DAT.  After one of the engineers at Geffen looked into
it for him, he discovered that the CD itself was mastered hot,(meaning
the overall levels were mastered too high creating distortion on the
track and blurring out some of the subtleties in the song.  By the time
the recording goes down to CD its not as noticeable, but a DAT on a set
of professional grade speakers all is revealed.  So we had the track
remastered to DAT from the recording studios master.  When you watch
the video the difference you notice is hearing the track at its most
pristine, even more so than the CD.