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FLIPSIDE #59, Spring 1989 ------------------------- _p.12-13_____________________________________________________________________ YO DANZIG, WHERE'D YA GET THAT PENTAGRAM! I'm writing this letter to say that I think that the Danzig record is fucking great! But I'm kind of angry with Glenn. Now I know that he's got some really stupid fans out there (every little punk rocker and skater and their brothers and now even stupid metalheads!) who deserve to get ripped off, but hey, Glenn what about your loyal fans? The people that were down with you before last week. I'm saying this because I'm so shocked to see that you were charging $18 for a fucking black t-shirt with one color on it. That sucks! Also, what's up with the video? Did you get those girls from the set of the Motley Crue video? How about the fucking pentagram? I really respected your ideas and stuff but what the fuck. This shits going to far. Well hey, all I can say is that I hope that you're happy but I think that you should drop your metal image that you seem to have acquired. Metal is the worst, most unintelligent form of music and you're right there with it. What the hell is the point? Oh well, I guess one of the only real bands worth listening to and respecting is the Laughing Hyenas... Yours truly, Matt Sonzala, Erie, PA. (I guess now I can tell my Glenn Danzig, boo hoo, sob story. Once upon a time, Glenn was my good buddy, he'd send me all kinds of free shirts, singles, and stickers. Glen was even a regular contributor to Flipside (remember his movie reviews?) Well, one time Hud didn't like one of his ads, fine but we patched that one up. Then the bootleg blitz came along. Sure, we video taped the Misfits and Samhain multiple times, but upon Glenn's request, we never did a single thing with them. What Glenn doesn't realize is that other people video taped those same shows, and those tapes have been sold, traded, whatever. I guess Glenn has gotten really pig headed in his old age and refuses to believe this. In fact, Glenn is so pissed at us that he refused to let Flipside have a photo pass for one of his recent L.A. shows! Ain't that a real boo-hoo! Ok, so a lot of people are saying Glenn looks like Elvis from Hell, well, I think he acts like Elvis from Hell! - Al) _p.51________________________________________________________________________ ACT YOUR RAGE! $8 LP or Cassette Plus $2 POstage Limited Edition Colored Vinyl Send check or money order payable to Post Mortem Records PO Box 358 New Milford, NJ 07646 Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery Dealer inquiries call (201) 262-7558 _p.60________________________________________________________________________ THE UNDEAD VIDEO LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO AT THE COVERED WAGON 9-24-88 25 MINUTES / 9 SONGS $20 plus $2 postage VHS or BETA Send check or money order to Post Mortem Records PO Box 358 New Milford, NJ 07646 Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery Dealer inquiries call (201) 262-7558 _p.69________________________________________________________________________ UNDEAD Act Your Rage LP Mr. Glen Anzalone may try to deny it, but the Misfits just about lost it all when they chased off the driving, wild guitaristics of Bobby Steele. The guy's a fuckin dynamo of six-string aggression: he plants himself square in the crossroads of Hendrix and Thunders, does amazin shit with feedback, crashes hooks right into marshall crunch, then shrugs like it was meant to be. Unfortunately, the cat's also had a string of setbacks and misfortune that'd wilt lesser men. But, Bobby just juts his chin, plugs in, and blows. Here be the first full-length Undead LP, and it delivers everything all Bob's classic singles promised some core-ish moments borderin on Adolescents territory, and whole shitload of roaring anthemic early punk in Who/Dolls vein, with more'n a smidge of everything Bobby brought to the Misfits. The geezer's (as always) got a whole gaggle of isntant classic on his hands, like 'I Don't Wanna Go' and 'We Don't Want the Poor In NYC'. He even manages to turn in the first 'Eve of Destruction' cover that doesn't make me wanna puke. It's about time Bobby started flexin' his muscles this loudly; let's hope he can do this sorta thing more often. -Tim S. POST MORTEM _p.74________________________________________________________________________ DANZIG 1/4 Jezebels I actually paid $17.00 to get into this shithole of a club, but being as how I found a watch and sold it for 20 bucks, I feel I owe Danzig a $3 review, which was about what it was worth. No, I'd be a Pinochio nosed liar if I told you I didn't have a good time. I did. I had a raging time. The band was tight and cleanly powerful, but for this particular band that isn't enough. The man obviously sold out in quite an open way. In so many interviews the Misfits said one thing they would never do is play 'heavy metal shit', and what's the first thing Danzig does? The band is desperately trying to outdo the Misfits, but falling flat on their faces each and every time. They aren't half as buff and walking on stage with no shirts and their hair already wet was a joke. I guess that's why Danzig is musically and imagewise directing themselves towards "heavy metal", cuz no one else will take them. T-shirts $18.00. (Stay away from Jezebels in Anaslime). -Krk