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Media Appearances

  WTSR, 4/5/88
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | American Nightmare

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 4/5/88 over WTSR 91.3 FM; Trenton, NJ.
             12 minutes.
  Session:   [The Misfits] (Track 2)
  Notes:     Glenn calls from California after mixing part of the DANZIG 
             album.  He also talks about the upcoming first show.
  WNYU, 5/6/88
    1  Interview | Twist Of Cain | Possession | Evil Thing

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/6/88 over WNYU 89.1 FM; New York, NY.
             15 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 2-4)
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the new album, Rick Rubin, and Samhain.  He
             also talks about the band's upcoming second show.
  WVVX, 11/12/88
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview
  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/12/88 over WVVX 103.1 FM; Chicago, IL.
             12 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the current tour and the tour with Metallica 
             as well as The Misfits.
  KMSC, 11/7/88
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/7/88 over KMSC 91.7 FM; Milwaukee, WI.
             10 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the current tour and the tour with Metallica 
             as well as The Misfits.
    1  Glenn Danzig News Interview | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       Twist Of Cain (promo) | Glenn Danzig Headbanger's Ball Advertisement

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/11/89 over MTV.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 3)
  Notes:     Glenn talks about Metallica covering Misfits songs during the
             news segment and later he is interviewed by Adam Curry, 
             answering several questions about the first album.  The 
             advertisement features a closeup of Glenn saying, "Mother, tell 
             your children to watch the Headbanger's Ball."
    1  Danzig II Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/29/90 over MTV.
             10 seconds.
  Session:   [6/89 Hollywood Sound]
  Notes:     This commercial features parts of the video to "Her Black Wings"
             and a voice announcing the upcoming release.
  WCLH, 8/18/90
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Recorded 8/18/90 for WCLH 90.7 FM; Wilkes-Barre, PA.
             25 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed by Chris and John from WCLH in the Danzig
             tour bus before the Airport Music Hall show.  He talks about the 
             upcoming Samhain album as well as the current tour.  He also 
             mentions his shoe size (9 to 9.5) and answers questions about 
             The Misfits and bootleg albums.  At the end of the interview, 
             former Misfits drummer Manny can be heard at the front of the 
             bus asking for Glenn.

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Snakes Of Christ | Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 12/10/90 over Radio GLR; London, England.
             Recorded 12/5/90 at Astoria; London, England.
             15 minutes.
  Session:   [6/89 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)
  Notes:     Glenn discusses the current tour and his book collection with
             Morat from Kerrang! Magazine.
  HARD COPY, 1992

    1  I'm The One

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 1992 over NBC.
             3 minutes.
  Session:   [6/89 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)
  Notes:     Footage from an alternate edit of the "I'm The One" video is 
             shown during this piece in which models who appear on MTV are 
    1  Danzig III Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/11/92 over MTV.
             10 seconds.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant]
  Notes:     This commercial features the album cover art and the Danzig 
             dagger from the album cover as well as the music to "Dirty 
             Black Summer."
  BOX TALK, 7/92
    1  Dirty Black Summer | Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/92 over The Box.
             7 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant] (Track 1)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed on 7/24/92 underneath a tree in Florida.
             This interview features a few scenes of Glenn practicing Jeet 
             Kune Do.
  JJJ, 7/27/92

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/27/92 over JJJ 99.3 FM; Sydney, Australia.
             10 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed over the phone in Los Angeles by the deejay
             in Australia.
    1  "End Your Dirty Black Summer With Danzig" Contest Advertisement
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Dirty Black Summer (promo) | Glenn Interview
       "End Your Dirty Black Summer With Danzig" Contest Advertisement
       Glenn Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 8/15/92 over MTV.
             18 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant] (Track 3)
  Z-ROCK, 8/16/92
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Left Hand Black | How The Gods Kill 
       Sistinas | Do You Wear The Mark | Anything

  Format:    Cassette 
  Info:      Broadcast 8/16/92 over Z-Rock; Los Angeles, CA.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant]    (Tracks 2-6)
  CLYDE 1, 9/3/92

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Godless | Glenn Interview
       Dirty Black Summer | Glenn Interview | Heart Of The Devil
       How The Gods Kill
  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/3/92 over Clyde 1; Glasgow, Scotland.
             23 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant] (Track 2, 4, 6-7)
  Notes:     Glenn appears on "The Clyde Rock Show" and is interviewed
             by Tom Russel.
  BBC RADIO 1, 9/11/92
    1  Am I Demon | Glenn Danzig Interview | Last Caress/Green Hell
       Glenn Interview | Killer Wolf | Glenn Interview | Dirty Black Summer
  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/11/92 over BBC Radio 1; London, England.
             28 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 1)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 5)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Track 7)
             [Metallica]               (Track 3)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed by Tommy Vance on Radio 1.  He answers 
             questions about his musical background and talks about 
             Metallica.  He also mentions that his mother is Scottish and 
             his father is German-Italian.

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Dirty Black Summer (extended promo) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | How The Gods Kill (promo)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Danzig Jacket Contest

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/11/92 over MTV Europe; Europe.
             25 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant] (Tracks 2, 4)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed outdoors by Vanessa Warwick and the world
             premiere of "How The Gods Kill" is played.
    1  Glenn and Eerie Interviews | Dirty Black Summer (promo) 
       Glenn and Eerie Interviews | Glenn Interview | Her Black Wings (promo)
       Glenn Interview | Girl (soundcheck) | John and Chuck Interviews 
       Left Hand Black (live) | How The Gods Kill (live) 
       Intro (Overture Of The Rebel Angels) | Dirty Black Summer (live) 
       Long Way Back From Hell (live) | Left Hand Black (live)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/10/92 over MTV.
             30 minutes.
  Session:   [6/89 Hollywood Sound] (Track 5)
             [1992 Record Plant]    (Track 2)
  Live:      [1] (Tracks 7, 9-14: 10/3/92 at Circus Krone; Munich, Germany)
  ABC'S IN CONCERT, 10/17/92
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | How The Gods Kill (promo segments) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Dirty Black Summer (promo segments)
       Glenn Danzig Interview
  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/17/92 over ABC (12:30 AM EST).
             5 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant] (Tracks 2, 4)
  KNAC, 10/24/92
    1  Dirty Black Summer | Mother | Her Black Wings | She Rides 
       How The Gods Kill | Left Hand Black | Twist Of Cain
       Irvine Meadows 10/31/92 Show Advertisement (2 different)

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/24/92 over KNAC FM 105.5; Long Beach, CA.
             35 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 2, 4, 7)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 3)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Tracks 1, 5-6)
  Notes:     During this radio special, the winners of a Danzig contest
             were announced and the Irvine Meadows show was advertised.
  KNAC, 2/4/93

    1  Glenn and Eerie Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/4/93 over KNAC FM 105.5; Long Beach, CA.
             30 minutes.
    1  Eerie, John, and Chuck Interview | Am I Demon (promo)
       Eerie, John, and Chuck Interview | Twist Of Cain (promo)
       Eerie, John, and Chuck Interview | How The Gods Kill (promo)
       Dirty Black Summer (promo) | Eerie, John, and Chuck Interview
       Eerie, John, and Chuck Interview | Mother '93 (promo)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/17/93; Ann Arbor, MI.
             50 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 2, 4, 10)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Tracks 6-7)
  Notes:     This cable access program was recorded on 5/14/93 and includes 
             the extended promotional video for "Dirty Black Summer."  During
             this interview, John Christ mentions that his father plays in a
             band called Sentimental Journey.
  POWER 30, 5/20/93
    1  Her Black Wings (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       Dirty Black Summer (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       I'm The One (promo segment) | Glenn Interview 
       Dirty Black Summer (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       Twist Of Cain (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       Twist Of Cain (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       How The Gods Kill (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       Mother (promo segment) | Glenn Interview
       How The Gods Kill (promo)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/20/93 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 9, 11, 15
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Tracks 1, 5
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Tracks 3, 7, 13, 17)
  BOX TALK, 7/93
    1  Godless (live) | Band interview | It's Coming Down (promo segment) 

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/93 over The Box.
             6 minutes.
  Session:   [1/93 Hollywood Sound] (Track 3)
  Live:      [1] (Track 1: 7/26/93 at The Edge; Jacksonville, FL)
  Notes:     All four members of the band are interviewed before their show 
             at The Edge.  This interview features part of the partially 
             censored Box version of the "It's Coming Down" promo video.
    1  Trouble | Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/93 over WIYY FM 97.9; Baltimore, MD.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1/93 Hollywood Sound]
  Notes:     Glenn talks for a little while and then he and the radio 
             interviewer (Lonn Friend) compare "Snakes Of Christ" to
             "Sex Type Thing" by the Stone Temple Pilots.
  K-ROCK, 1993

    1  Howard Stern Broadcast

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 1993 over K-ROCK FM Radio; New York, NY.
  Notes:     After Howard Stern played several Danzig clips on the radio, 
             Chuck Biscuits calls in to talk and is disconnected by Stern.
    1  Buzz Clips Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 1993 over MTV.
             10 seconds.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording]
  Notes:     This commercial features part of "Mother '93" as well as videos 
             by other bands, including Rage Against The Machine.
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 (promo) | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       Her Black Wings

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/30/93 over MTV.
             15 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 2)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 4)
  WUFX, 11/9/93

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/9/93 over WUFX 103.3 FM; Buffalo, NY.
             10 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn Danzig is interviewed over the phone at American 
             Recordings by a deejay in Buffalo, NY.
  KROQ'S LOVELINE, 1/27/94
    1   Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 | Glenn Danzig Interview
        Sistinas | Glenn Danzig Interview | Snakes Of Christ

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 1/27/94 over KROQ FM 106.7; Los Angeles, CA.
             75 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 2)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 6)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Track 4)
  Notes:     Glenn joins regular hosts Riki Rachtman and Dr. Drew on
             "Loveline," a show in which listeners call in with their 
             problems.  Glenn offers advice and is interviewed occasionally.  
             One of the callers is Eerie Von.  The time length for the entire
             show, including non-interview portions and complete versions of
             the Danzig tracks played, is actually 120 minutes.
  MTV NEWS, 2/5/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/5/94 over MTV.
             3 minutes.
  Notes:     There are two parts to this interview.  In the first, Glenn is
             in a studio, talking about the success of "Mother '93."  The 
             second part takes place in his home where he displays the 
             damage to his home due to an earthquake.
  MTV'S WEEK IN ROCK, 2/11/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/11/94 over MTV.
             3 minutes.
  Notes:     This is a re-broadcast of the 2/5/94 "MTV News" piece with
    1  Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/20/94 over MTV.
             15 seconds
  Notes:     Baywatch's Nicole Eggert announces the upcoming John Stewart 
             Show and Glenn nods.
    1  Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/21/94 over MTV.
             15 seconds
  Notes:     Baywatch's Nicole Eggert announces that night's John Stewart 
             Show and Glenn nods, at which time Nicole laughs.
    1  Mother | It's Coming Down

  Format:    Video tape, Cassette.
  Info:      6 minutes.
  Live:      [1] (2/17/94 at MTV Studio; New York, NY)
  Notes:     Video cuts during "It's Coming Down"
  POWER 30, 6/6/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Twist Of Cain (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 6/6/94 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 2, 4, 6)
  Notes:     This Metallica tour special was recorded on 6/4/94 at Molson
             Park in Barrie, Ontario.  The band makes a brief reappearance 
             later during the Metallica interview with Lars Ulrich.
    1  4p Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast over TV.
             30 seconds
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound]
  Notes:     This commercial features parts of the promo videos for 
             "Until You Call On The Dark" and "Cantspeak."
    1  4p Commercial | 4p Commercial

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Made for radio play
             2 minutes.
  Notes:     This recording features two different versions of a Tower
             Records Commercial for 4p.  The two versions are almost 
             identical, both featuring background music from the 4p album as 
             well the live version of "Mother" from THRALL-DEMONSWEATLIVE.
  KROQ, 10/4/94
    1  Glenn and Eerie Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/4/94 over KROQ 106.7 FM; Los Angeles, CA.
  Live:      [1]
  Notes:     Glenn and Eerie talk about the new album and the upcoming tour.
  Z-ROCK SLUDGE, 10/4/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/4/94 in six parts over Z-Rock; Dallas, TX.
             20 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound]
  Notes:     Glenn was interviewed by Loud Debbie Dowd on 10/3/94 and 
             answered questions about DANZIG 4P.  The interview was then 
             broadcasted in six parts with music from the album playing in 
             the background.
  KUPD, 10/5/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Bringer Of Death | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Cantspeak | Glenn Danzig Interview | Dirty Black Summer
       Glenn Interview | I Don't Mind The Pain

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/5/94 over KUPD FM 98; Phoenix, AZ.
             35 minutes.
  Session:   [1992 Record Plant]    (Track 6)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Tracks 2, 4, 8)
  Notes:     Glenn talks about comic books, body building, and answers
             questions called in by fans.
  KOME, 10/6/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Cantspeak

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/6/94 over KOME FM; San Jose, CA.
             12 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)
  KISW, 10/6/94
    1  Cantspeak | Glenn Danzig Interview | Sadistikal

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/6/94 over KISW FM 99.9 FM; Seattle, WA.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Tracks 1, 3)
  MUCHMUSIC, 10/11/94
    1  Eerie, John, and Joey Interview | Until You Call On The Dark

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/11/94 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)

    1  Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/94 over The Box.
             1 minute
  Live:      [1]
  Notes:     This commercial features clips of the band and the contest 
    1  Cantspeak | Brand New God

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Live 11/28/94 at MTV Studio; New York, NY
             6 minutes.
  Live:      [2]
  Notes:     Video cuts during "Brand New God".
    1  Commercial

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast over MTV.
             15 seconds.
  Notes:     This commercial features part of the "Cantspeak" video as well
             as videos by other bands.
    1  Her Black Wings (promo) | Peter Steele Interview 
       Twist Of Cain (promo) | Glenn and Eerie Interview | Mother '93 (promo) 
       Glenn and Eerie Interview | Until You Call On The Dark (promo) 
       Glenn and Eerie Interview | Going Down To Die (live) 
       How The Gods Kill (promo) | Glenn and John Interview 
       Little Whip (live) | Glenn Interview | Glenn and Joey Interview
       Brand New God (live)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/19/94 over MTV Europe; Europe.
             76 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 3, 5)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 1)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Track 10)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 7)
  Live:      [2] (Tracks 9, 12, 15: 11/12/94 at Mesa Amphitheater; Phoenix, AZ)
  Notes:     Vanessa Warwick hosts this Danzig tour special for MTV Europe.
             John Christ makes a brief appearance during the Peter Steele 
             interview.  Interviews are conducted backstage and outside 
             before the show.  Commercial breaks feature Danzig music and 
             promo segments.
  TOWER RECORDS, 12/15/94
    1  Autograph signing

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Recorded 12/15/94 at Tower Records; San Jose, CA
             5 minutes.
  Notes:     This video includes various portions of the autograph signing
  KISW, 12/19/94
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Cantspeak | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Bringer Of Death

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 12/19/94 over KISW FM 99.9 FM; Seattle, WA.
             16 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Tracks 2, 4)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed before the Seattle show and a contest
             is held for free tickets to the show.
  MTV NEWS, 12/25/94
    1  News

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 12/25/94 over MTV.
             30 seconds
  Notes:     The security guard stabbing at the San Jose Danzig show is 
  METALLA, 2/95

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/95 over Viva TV: Germany.
             15 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn Danzig hosts this show and chooses which videos will be
             played (Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails, Slayer).  Lemmy from
             Motorhead briefly appears.
    1  Glenn Interview | Cantspeak | Glenn Interview | I Don't Mind The Pain

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/21/95.
             20 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Tracks 2, 4)
  Notes:     Glenn participates in a question and answer session with fans 
             from all over America.
  KROQ, 3/23/95
    1  Glenn and Eerie Interview | I Don't Mind The Pain
       Glenn and Eerie Interview | Mother '93

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 3/23/95 over KROQ 106.7 FM; Los Angeles, CA.
             17 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 4)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 2)
  Notes:     Glenn and Eerie talk about the upcoming tour with Marilyn
             Manson and Korn.
  MTV'S SUPEROCK, 5/6/95
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 (promo) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Left Hand Black (live excerpt) | How The Gods Kill (live excerpt) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Cantspeak (promo) | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       I Don't Mind The Pain (promo) | It's Coming Down (live excerpt) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Twist Of Cain (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Her Black Wings (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/6/95 over MTV.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 2, 12)
             [6/89 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 14)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Tracks 7, 9)
  Live:      [1] (Tracks 4-5: 10/3/92 at Circus Krone; Munich, Germany)
             [1] (Track 10:   2/17/94 at MTV Studio; New York, NY)
    1  Going Down To Die | Cantspeak | Mother

  Format:    Video tape, Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 6/95 over MTV Europe; Europe.
  Live:      [2] (6/3/95 at Rock Am Ring; Nurburg, Germany)
  DUTCH TV, 6/95
    1  Dirty Black Summer (live) | Glenn Interview

  Format:    Video tape, Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 6/95; Holland.
  Live:      [2] (Track 1: 6/5/95 at Pink Pop Festival; Landgraaf, Holland)
  MTV, 6/22/95
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview
  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Recorded 6/22/95 at Imperator; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
             31 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about The Misfits, Samhain, his comic books, and 
             future movie plans.
  KROQ'S LOVELINE, 12/5/95
    1   Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 12/5/95 over KROQ FM 106.7; Los Angeles, CA.
             120 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn joins regular hosts Riki Rachtman and Dr. Drew on
             "Loveline" and talks about his comic books.
    1  Mother '93 (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig & Simon Bisley Interview 
       Mother '93 (promo segment)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/2/96 over Sci-Fi Channel.
             Broadcast 2/96 over Youth Television; Canada.
             3 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Tracks 1, 3)
  Notes:     During the "Rock Bands and Comic Books part two: Danzig" 
             episode, Glenn Danzig and artist Simon Bisley are interviewed 
             by a teenager named Nick at the Verotik Publishing table at a 
             comic book convention in New York City. 

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Cantspeak | Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/24/96 over Muchmusic; Quebec, Canada.
             12 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed in English and the interviewer then
             translates the answers to French.
  MUCHMUSIC, 10/11/96
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Until You Call On The Dark

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/11/96 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Track 2)
  Notes:     Glenn talks about Ozzfest and the 5 BLACKACIDEVIL album.
  MTV EUROPE, 10/26/96

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | 7th House (live)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/26/96 over MTV Europe; Europe.
             6 minutes.
  Live:      [3]
  KROQ'S LOVELINE, 10/27/96

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Sacrifice | 7th House

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/27/96 over KROQ FM 106.7; Los Angeles, CA.
             120 minutes.
  Session:   [8/95 A&M Recording] (Tracks 2-3)
  WBCN, 10/28/96
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview
  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 10/28/96 over WBCN FM 104.1; Boston, MA.
             10 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the new lineup and calls the current lineup
             of The Misfits "a cover band."
  MTV NEWS, 11/96

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | 7th House (live excerpt)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/96 over MTV.
             3 minutes.
  Live:      [3] (Track 2: 10/26/96 at Blockbuster Pavilion; Devore, CA)
  Notes:     MTV News' "Week in Rock" features concert footage and interviews
             with several bands participating in the 1996 "Ozzfest" tour,
             including Danzig, Ozzy Osbourne, Biohazard, and Slayer.  Tommy
             Victor is briefly seen on stage prior to the Glenn Danzig
             interview, and Ozzy Osbourne mentions Danzig during his
  MTV NEWS, 11/96

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/96 over MTV.
             1 minute.
  Notes:     MTV News featured a brief segment about the upcoming "The 
             Prophecy II" movie starring Christopher Walken, Glenn Danzig, 
             and Jennifer Beales.  Danzig gives a brief summary of the plot 
             and his role in the film.  This interview is part of the 
             MTV NEWS "Week in Rock" "Ozzfest" feature from earlier in 11/96.
    1  Glenn Danzig Interview
  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/6/96 over ROCK FM 103.5; Chicago, IL.
             15 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the new band with Mancow and calls the current 
             lineup of The Misfits "whores" who are making him money.

    1  Live footage 

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 1996 over MGM/UA.
             5 minutes.
  Live:      [3] (10/30/96 at Aron's Records; Hollywood, CA)
  Notes:     The LAPD are called to interrupt Danzig's performance at Aron's
             Records in Hollywood, and footage is included in this episode.
             This recording also features footage from the promotional video
             for "Sacrifice."  The full uncut version which was never shown
             on TV is actually 15 minutes long.
    1  Band Interview

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 1/97 over TV; Los Angeles, CA.
  Notes:     Colin interviews the band on the tour bus.

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Recorded 1/28/97 at Capital Ballroom; Washington, DC
             25 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the new album and movie roles.
  BREAK THIS, 2/97
    1  Sacrifice (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       Sacrifice (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Sacrifice (live excerpt) | Glenn Danzig Interview 
       I Don't Mind The Pain (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Sacrifice (live excerpt) | Glenn Danzig Interview | Sacrifice (promo)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/97 over TV; Canada.
             10 minutes.
  Session:   [8/95 A&M Recording] (Tracks 1, 3, 7, 11)
  HTZ, 2/5/97

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/5/97 over HTZ FM 97.7; Toronto, Canada.
             15 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed before the Toronto show.
  FAX, 2/8/97

    1  Sacrifice (promo segment) | Sacrifice (live excerpt) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Sacrifice (promo segment) 
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Sacrifice (promo segment)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast over Muchmusic; Canada.
             3 minutes.
  Session:   [8/95 A&M Recording] (Tracks 1-2, 4, 6)
  Live:      [3] (Track 2: 2/5/97 at Warehouse; Toronto, Canada)
  Notes:     Glenn is interviewed prior to the Danzig show on 2/5/97.
  REBEL RADIO, 2/12/97

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | Blackacidevil | Twist Of Cain
       Glenn Danzig Radio Advertisement | How The Gods Kill

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/12/97 over WVVX 103.1 FM; Chicago, IL.
             45 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 3)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Track 5)
             [8/95 A&M Recording]      (Track 2)            
  LOUD, 2/21/97

    1  See All You Were (played over title theme) | Sacrifice (live excerpt)
       Sacrifice | Cantspeak

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 2/21/97 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             14 minutes.
  Session:   [1994 Hollywood Sound] (Track 4)
             [8/95 A&M Recording]   (Tracks 1, 3)
  Live:      [3] (Track 2: 2/5/97 at Warehouse; Toronto, Canada)
  Notes:     Glenn Danzig hosts the show and chooses most of the videos
             that were played. He appears between (approximately) every 
             second or third video shown, which included songs by Prong, 
             Godflesh, Tool, Korn, Rollins Band, Marilyn Manson, KMFDM,
             and Nine Inch Nails.  His segments were filmed in Toronto 
             prior to the Danzig show on 2/5/97.
  MTV ONLINE, 6/3/97

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 6/3/97 at MTV Online; (
  Notes:     Glenn talks about video production, acting in movies, and Rob
  MTV NEWS, 7/11/97
    1  Satanika Anime

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 7/11/97 over MTV.
             4 minutes.
  Notes:     Serena Atschul talks about the San Diego Comic Convention and
             mentions Glenn Danzig.
  LOUD, 10/10/97

    1  Sacrifice (live excerpt) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Sacrifice (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Sacrifice (promo segment) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Mother (live excerpt) | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Sacrifice (promo)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      6 minutes.
  Session:   [8/95 A&M Recording] (Tracks 3, 5, 9)
  Live:      [3] (Tracks 1, 7: 2/5/97 at Warehouse; Toronto, Canada)
  KNAC, 3/12/99

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 3/12/99 at KNAC; (
             10 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about a record deal for the new Danzig album,
             unreleased Danzig songs, video shoots, and the Samhain box set.
             He also mentions the possibility of writing a song for the WWF
             wrestling team, The Acolytes.

    1  Glenn Danzig Radio ID | Brand New God | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Little Whip | Glenn Danzig Interview | Not Of This World

  Format:    Cassette
  Info:      Broadcast 8/31/99 over Portrait Radio; Braunschweig, Germany.
             19 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 6)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 2, 4)
  Notes:     This is a German dubbed interview, with a translator for Glenn's
  WNEW, 9/19/99

    1  Mother '93 | Glenn Danzig Interview | Belly Of The Beast
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Five Finger Crawl | Glenn Danzig Interview
       Bringer Of Death

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/19/99 over WNEW 102.7 FM; New York, NY.
             50 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 1)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 7)
             [9/98 NRG Studios]        (Tracks 3, 5)
  Notes:     This interview was scheduled for 9/18/99 but took place after
             midnight.  Glenn talks about the new album, upcoming reissues,
             and answers questions from fans.
  WBAB "METAL SHOP", 9/19/99

    1  Glenn Danzig and Todd Youth Interview | Five Finger Crawl
       Glenn Danzig and Todd Youth Interview | Belly of The Beast
       Glenn Danzig and Todd Youth Interview | Apakolips
       Glenn Danzig and Todd Youth Interview | Lilin
       Glenn Danzig and Todd Youth Interview | Unspeakable

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/19/99 over WBAB 102.3 FM; Long Island, NY.
             60 minutes.
  Session:   [9/98 NRG Studios] (Tracks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the upcoming album and tour as well as future
             releases on Evilive.  Todd speaks very briefly.
  MINX TV, 9/21/99

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/21/99 over Minx Internet TV (
             12 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn talks about the upcoming album and tour. Glenn mentions
             having a nephew, as well as the strangest place he has given an
             autograph.  The interview was conducted at a photo shoot for
             POPsmear magazine.
  KFSR, 9/24/99

    1  Josh Lazie Interview

  Format:    Cassette.
  Info:      Broadcast 9/24/99 over KFSR 90.7 FM; Fresno, CA.
             20 minutes.
  Notes:     Lazie is interviewed over the phone and comments on DANZIG 6, 
             The Misfits, and upcoming Danzig releases.
  LOUD, 5/13/00

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview | 7th House (live excerpt)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Scream (promo segment)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Five Finger Crawl
       Dig Up Her Bones | Until You Call On The Dark
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Until You Call On The Dark
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Satan's Child (live excerpt)
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Dirty Black Summer
       Glenn Danzig Interview | Mother '93 (promo segment)

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 5/13/00 over Muchmusic; Canada.
             40 minutes.
  Session:   [1988 Atlantic Recording] (Track 16, 17)
             [1992 Record Plant]       (Track 14)
             [1994 Hollywood Sound]    (Track 8, 10)
             [9/98 NRG Studios]        (Track 6)
             [The Misfits]             (Track 4, 7)
  Live:      [8] (Tracks 2, 12: 5/4/00 at Phoenix; Toronto, Canada)
  Notes:     Glenn Danzig is interviewed before the Toronto show at The 
             Phoenix Concert Theatre.  During the interview Glenn offers 
             opinions on the current Misfits, being asked to cover "Lady 
             In Red" for the AMERICAN PSYCHO soundtrack, and bands he likes
             today.  Technical difficulties occured during the broadcast, 
             including "Until You Call On The Dark" being shown twice.
  VH1 "TOP 40 BAD ASSES OF ROCK", 6/18/2000

    1  Glenn Danzig Interview and Promo Video Segments

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 6/18/2000 over VH1.
             7 minutes.
  Notes:     Glenn Danzig comments on The Black Crowes and Henry Rollins 
             during there featured segments.  He ranks in at #16.
  VH1 "TOP 100 OF HARD ROCK", 11/13/2000

    1  Artist Comments and Promo Video Segments

  Format:    Video tape.
  Info:      Broadcast 11/13/2000 over VH1.
             3 minutes.
  Notes:     Alice Cooper and Metallica comment on Danzig and The Misfits.
             Misfits/Danzig ranks in #91.