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RAW, 9/93 --------- PART 2 ((SAVED BY THE BELL...If you caught last month's column, you'll certainly remember the blurb on the Danzig vs. Vivian Campbell escapade. Supposedly, after a minor dispute, Def Leppard's Vivian Campbell punched and bloodied the evil one, Glenn Danzig and sent him running back to his dressing room. Well, this month Glenn and his label Def American have issued a press release stating that the report was incorrect. Glenn was quoted as saying, "This story is a total fabrication. Anyone who knows me or my past knows that I never walk away from a fight. It's true that an altercation occured, but we never came to blows, as reported." He also made this point clear, "Asd a student of martial arts, I am quite capable of taking care of myself. Next time, they won't be given that respect." So there you have it. Danzig has spoken! RAW, 10/93 ---------- Ding...Round #3! After seeing Danzig's response about the Def Leppard/Danzig brawl, Joe Elliot had a few comments of his own. In a recent RAW interview, he had these things to say: first, Joe claims that he did not give the story to RAW to begin with. None of the comments were true and the story came from an over-imaginative reporter. Secondly, in regard to the publicity stunt charge, he stated that they were the headliners at a festival in Germany with over 50,000 people in attendance. Danzig was way down on the billing. So if anybody needed publicity, it would be Danzig and not Def Leppard. And finally, Elliot had these last statements: "Yes an altercation did occur in Germany because Glenn Danzig is a rude little fuck." He further explained, "We weren't in his way, as he claimed. He was carrying his dinner and walked straight into us. He said, 'Get the fuck out of my way!'" Joe then said they asked him to repeat it because they couldn't believe what they had heard. He also claims they didn't even know who Danzig was. "I actually thought he was a stagehand. I certainly didn't recognize him because he was so short!" He then added, "And, yes, he got his ass kicked twice, once by me, once by Vivian." He went on to say that Danzig was not as brave as he claimed, referring to another incident where Glenn apparently called Vivian Campbell's wife a non-complimentary name. And Joe also denied that Danzig tried in any way to settle the matter. "Obviously, he must have small man's syndrome." Wow! Joe Elliot with some heavy retaliation. And I wonder if we've heard the last of this one. Nooo way!