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WASHINGTON POST, 1989 --------------------- Danzig, Adding to The Equation Having spawned an enduring cult band, the Misfits, by adding metal and camp to punk rock, Glenn Dan zig isn't about to give up on a good formula, especially since these days the combination's more popular than ever. He's also not above adding to it, as his current, eponymous band's show at the 9:30 Club Thursday night demonstrated. Besides a dash of extra '70s leadenness in the riffs, Danzig's most useful discovery is a loping, graveyard blues to match his always-horrific lyrics. "She Rides" was an impeccable vehicle for his lazy, sinister growl. It's too bad the band wasn't interested in exploiting that bizarre niche more often. The alternative numbers remained close to straight-up heavy metal or slight variations on former Danzig (the Man) projects-even a couple of Misfits covers. Guitarist John Christ and bassist Eerie Vaughn wrenched their strings to shadow the vocals' exaggerated intensity. Those who expected a show out of veteran hardcore drummer Chuck Bisquits, however, were disappointed-the sameness of many Danzig rhythms, kept his contributions subdued. -Kathi Whalen